Most of the times we believe that for one to be a good marketer they have to a degree. But that should not be the case because marketing is all about people skills and people skills can easily be learnt. There are really simple steps to becoming a great marketer if you are not yet one. One of the first steps is that you should be brave.
Don’t be afraid to bug people
What I did was I Googled terms on the web that were competitive in the marketing space. For example, I may Google “Seo Company” as a lot of the people who rank for those terms are small businesses.
What you want to do is click on the listings of companies that look small, call their numbers, speak with the founders of the businesses, and offer to work for them for free in exchange for knowledge.
You’ll be surprised how many people will take you up on this offer. All you have to do is help them out part-time for a month or so, and you’ll be able to soak up a lot of their knowledge.
Pay to learn
Another thing I did when I started out was I paid a few companies to help me with my website. One of the businesses was Stepforth, and the other was SEO Matrix.
I paid them each a few thousand dollars and soaked up all their knowledge and tactics. Back then, I was mainly trying to learn SEO, but you can do the same for content marketing, social media marketing, paid advertising, etc.
When paying other companies, make sure you are picking those with good reviews and no BBB complaints.
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For a person to be successful they have to look at what those ahead of them are doing. There are many successful marketers out there who are making an impact on businesses globally and they all have one thing in common, habits.
What’s one habit that you personally practice that makes you a better marketer?
Jason Falls, CafePress
I have a genuine interest in people and what triggers them to want to both buy and advocate for a brand. To me, marketing is not about selling. It’s about cultivating an audience of passionate friends who both do business with and for you. It’s a utopian notion, but not impossible to achieve.
John Jantsch, Duct Tape Marketing
I consider “curiosity” to be my superpower. I have to know how things work and why. It’s a trait that drives my wife crazy from time to time but it also drives me to experiment, try new things, read deeply in fields unrelated to marketing and think beyond the obvious — all of these things I believe make me a better marketer or at least allow me to provide more value to my community.
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Marketing in this era where everyone is connected to the internet should not be taken lightly. You need to watch your step and up your game because if you mess then you will be the next viral thing on the internet.
When you look at 50 years ago, no one really cared how you acted. You could do pretty much whatever you wanted and you didn’t get in trouble because it was really hard to catch you, as it were. But, the problem is now you have everything out there. Everyone you meet, everyone you talk to, everyone you know has some sort of 24-hour connection to the Internet and the ability to grab anything – audio, video, or otherwise – anytime they want. That, fortunately, winds up resulting in the ability to lie disappearing. It used to be when you would screw up at some capacity at a company; there was nothing they could do about it. They were upset, they told their friends maybe. Now it’s everywhere and it’s very easy. So with this 24-hour connected world that we’re in, the easiest way to keep the clients you have and gain new ones is simply to be 1 percent nicer than what we always expect, which let’s face it is crap.
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