The Power Of Video Seo

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Are you looking for an effective way to generate more clients to your business? Given the number of businesses competing in Pasadena, it can prove challenging to stand out. But challenging doesnt mean impossible. Over the past few years, it has become evident that online users love watching videos. Creating entertaining and informative videos can give your site a huge SEO boost. But even the best videos can prove useless unless they get seen by your target market. This is why you should find a company that offers video SEO.

The Growth Of Online Videos

In 2014, a jaw-dropping 64 percent of internet traffic came from online videos. By 2019, this figure is expected to rise to 80 percent. Last year, businesses spent nearly $8 billion on online video advertising. Numbers dont lie. Nobody can underestimate the power of video when it comes to driving targeted traffic, capturing attention and enticing clicks.

The reason why video advertising is so effective is that it effectively captures the interest of online users. Studies show that a one minute video gets higher engagement rates than a high quality blog. More and more businesses are able to fit their marketing messages into short videos. And it simply works.

According to the Online Publishers Association, 80% of online users remember a video ad theyve seen in the past month. Whats even better is that 46% of them follow through with a specific action, such as visiting the advertisers website or checking out its online store.

Increasing The Reach Of Videos

There are still many businesses that fail to incorporate video marketing into their overall strategy. Most of them say that the do not have the in-house resources to produce excellent videos. If you belong to this group, then it pays to consider hiring an SEO company to help you out. Its better to enlist the services of SEO experts in Pasadena than to lag behind your competitors.

Online videos can be used for your ad campaigns or incorporated into your content. Both options are great ways to drive more traffic to your website. Advancements in technology have also made video production easier than ever. Theres simply no excuse not to jump on the trend. With the guidance of the leading Pasadena SEO company, you can surely dominate the search listings with compelling video content paired with effective video SEO.

SEO Trust is your best choice if you want to add videos in your content and boost their rankings in the search listings. Their content creation specialists will closely work with your company to ensure that the videos can effectively convey your marketing message. They specialize in creating short, but meaningful videos. Calls-to-action are strategically placed in the videos to produce optimal click through rates.

In order to stay ahead of the curve, you cant afford to ignore video marketing and its potential of brining huge amounts of traffic to your website. As the number one SEO company in Pasadena, SEO Trust can help you create videos that resonate with your target customers. And with the increasing importance placed on video content by Google, your online videos will not only generate more views and clicks, but also provide a long term SEO boost to your website.

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